Safari not playing HDR videos on YouTube

This is related to a recent issue and there is workaround.

Lui Yong Sheng
2 min readNov 23, 2021
Credits: HowToGeek
Credits: HowToGeek

When I was browsing YouTube (using Safari) earlier today, I noticed that HDR videos are not working properly. I checked my settings and experimental features, everything is fine, then I started searching on Google.

Initially I stumble upon this discussion in Apple Community:

Originally I thought that it was going to be another PR crisis, but then I quickly remember that I saw a news about the latest M1 Pro & M1 Max MacBook Pro experiencing crash issue when playing HDR videos on YouTube using Safari.

I believe this is a temporary thing from Google & YouTube side to maintain usability of their products.

If you are not using the latest machines or you just want to be brave once, here is the workaround to view HDR content again.

1. Enable Develop menu in menubar

Go to Prefrences… > Advanced and check Show Develop menu in menu bar.
Go to Prefrences… > Advanced and check Show Develop menu in menu bar.

2. Change your User Agent

Go to Develop > User Agent and choose Google Chrome — Windows.
Go to Develop > User Agent and choose Google Chrome — Windows.

That’s it! Safari will automatically refresh and you can see the HDR indicator again.

HDR Indicator for YouTube videos.
HDR Indicator for YouTube videos.

